Author Topic: Anyone still nurse to sleep a 21 mo ?  (Read 743 times)

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Anyone still nurse to sleep a 21 mo ?
« on: August 06, 2010, 14:34:18 pm »
Hi everyone, Im a mom of 21mo spirited DS who is still nurse to sleep. His NWs is around 2-3 times a night just to nurse for couple of minutes then back to sleep and EW at around 5am, nurse and back to sleep until 6 - 7am. I tried to teach him independent sleep couple of times ( doing PU/PD ) when he was younger than 1 year old, however I wasn't too consistent as I couldn't see him cry soo bad. I tried the gentle removing plan, however he always ended up sleeping by the time he let me go. I tried to break the latch by the time he is sleepy, but then he would soon roll over and start get out of the bed. He is co sleeping since 1 year old ( he cries bloody murder everytime I put him in his crib ). I read a suggestion that DH could offer some support, however DS is not so close with DH and he is having a very big separation anxiety with me.

I feel like Im a bad mom who couldnt really be consistent  :-[. It really breaks my heart to see him cry sooo bad. I wonder whether anyone has a gentle approach in weaning his nurse to sleep without crying so bad ? Thank you...
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Re: Anyone still nurse to sleep a 21 mo ?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2010, 11:28:54 am »
Bumping up x

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Re: Anyone still nurse to sleep a 21 mo ?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2010, 12:07:19 pm »
I don't have experience with this (my dd nursed until 18 mths but slept in her crib) but I do have 2 friends that had the same issue- one bf and co-slept until her ds was 3 and the other bf and co-slept with her dd until her daughter was...4.5! In both cases I remember they told me the addressed the co-sleeping part first, before the bfing to sleep. So, I would maybe try to nurse him in his own room, put him in his crib, lay down on the floor by his crib to sleep beside him (blow up bed or sleeping bag, or something so you're comfortable). I would get him used to his own crib like this first, still nurse him at his request, until he's used to sleeping in his crib. Once he's fine in his crib, start removing yourself from the room, move your sleeping area further and further away from his crib until you are out the door. Then, deal with the night bfing, maybe visit the bfing board for ideas- I've heard of everything from offering water instead of a bf, or shortening the time on the breast. You might even find that once he's sleeping in his own crib he may not wake to bf.
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