my little monkey has been chugging some milk lately! He is eating 3-4 good portions of solids and table food plus consuming EASILY up to 40 oz. of formula a day. I'm trying desperately to get rid of either the DF or early morning feed (about 3-5am), but he is just a hungry boy.
I'm am about to try diluting his early bottle, to see if that helps... I think anyway. It may be easier to drop the DF first, especially when he doesnt get that early morning feed, he tends to wake at 6, instead of 6:45/7. And Then he doesnt eat full bottle. Weird.
What is the furthest you suggest spacing out the bottles, so he will drink, 9 or10oz maybe. instead of 7/8, to maybe drop a bottle? He is doing 4hours right now, But I'm afraid I wont get enough in during the day, if i move it out any further.
He is taking bottles at roughly, 4,8,12,4,6:30,11. Would love to ditch the first and last... but don't know if that is possible yet.
Also, can anyone give advice on stage 2 formula, (or "hungry baby")? (Not sure if ds would handle it, due to him taking RTF types better, but i'm not sure). Would that keep him fuller, with out being on too much calories?
Also... we have switched to solids first, due to the large quantity of liquid vs. solids.
Ok thanks for your thoughts!