DS2 is 24 weeks old, but born at 37 weeks so really is 21 weeks. He is a healthy happy chappy who I BF'd for 5 months and have slowly moved onto formula as I had problems with my supply/his weight gain. He now has 6X 7-8oz bottles in 24 hours, 5 in the day and 1 at night (he did STTN for about 6 weeks, but that stopped about 3 weeks ago). He is obviously a hungry boy, sometimes getting even three hours between feeds is a bit of a challenge.
He still feels like a small baby (born at 8lb 2oz, now 12lb 11oz), but he has good head control and can sit with some support. I just want to know whether to start with solids based on his birth date or his due date - health visitors here seem divided. What have others done in a similar position?