Author Topic: Starting solids with a baby who was born early  (Read 1402 times)

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Starting solids with a baby who was born early
« on: August 25, 2010, 18:20:19 pm »
DS2 is 24 weeks old, but born at 37 weeks so really is 21 weeks. He is a healthy happy chappy who I BF'd for 5 months and have slowly moved onto formula as I had problems with my supply/his weight gain. He now has 6X 7-8oz bottles in 24 hours, 5 in the day and 1 at night (he did STTN for about 6 weeks, but that stopped about 3 weeks ago). He is obviously a hungry boy, sometimes getting even three hours between feeds is a bit of a challenge.
He still feels like a small baby (born at 8lb 2oz, now 12lb 11oz), but he has good head control and can sit with some support. I just want to know whether to start with solids based on his birth date or his due date - health visitors here seem divided. What have others done in a similar position?

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Re: Starting solids with a baby who was born early
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 18:31:47 pm »
I think that as long as a baby is born at or after 37 weeks they are considered full term, so you can just go by his real age (rather than his due date). My guy was born at 37+3 (7lb12) and nobody ever suggested we should go by anything other than his actual age.

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Re: Starting solids with a baby who was born early
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 01:04:15 am »
Hi there :)  I agree that at 37wks he would be considered full term and I wouldn't worry about adjusting his age any differently.  I would base whether or not to start solids more on if he is showing signs he is ready.  What does his doctor say?  Here is a good link that might help:
HTH :)
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