Author Topic: Please can someone tweak my EASY  (Read 705 times)

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Offline *Amy*

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Please can someone tweak my EASY
« on: September 14, 2010, 03:28:14 am »
Hi ladies, ok need a little help - I know DD is very young and probably too young to be on EASY but I need it in my life for structure! I have been following the recommended EASY routine for a new born however I changed it so our wake up time is 6am. They recommend cluster feed at 3, 5, bath at 6 then a cat nap then wake again at 7.30pm.
My problem is is that when I keep DD awake from 5 -6 and then try and put her down for her bath she doesn't always sleep after this and is awake then waiting for her feed after 7!
If I feed her after her bath then it is too close to her 5 cluster feed and she spits a lot up. Also I think 6pm is too early in the evening for her last feed!
So what I was thinking was cluster feed 3 cat nap 5 cat nap 7bath and feed and bed. This will mean only a 10.5 hour night though - what does one suggest I do?
thank you  :)

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Re: Please can someone tweak my EASY
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 01:29:40 am »
Hi Amy!  You're right that 2 weeks is oh-so-young :)  She's still so new to the world!  You're bfing, correct?  I remember seeing some posts on the breastfeeding board I think (sorry if I'm wrong!)  Not sure if you've seen this FAQ: ?  Also, when you read through the sample EASY routines in the EASY FAQ, you'll notice that there really aren't any routine examples under 4-6 weeks.  That's because all newborns are so variable, you really have to follow their cues rather than the clock.  Tracy did recommend a balanced 12h day/night, but cluster feeding does change that up a bit.

So along those lines, if you were thinking feeds at 3/5/7 and that will work for you and your family, then run with it :)  Keep in mind that you don't have to bath at night - you could bath in the morning or afternoon, and that would give you more time to tack on to her night sleep.  You can always treat the cluster feeds like dream feeds too - put her down around 6 or so (to keep the balanced 12h day/night that Tracy recommended) and dream feed the last cluster feed.

Not sure if that helps at all?  What do you think?
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

Offline *Amy*

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Re: Please can someone tweak my EASY
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 03:42:14 am »
Yes Bfing - i tried doing the last feed as a df but she didn't really settle at 6 so yesterday she went 3.5 hours between some feeds so our day went -
6am feed
9.30am feed
12.45pm feed
4pm feed
6pm feed
7 bath and feed and bed - she settled so well here on her own that I think I am going to go with this - I was a little worried about 6 and 7 feed being so close together but I winded her well and she wasn't unsettled then at night.
I went to bed at 11pm last night and she was beginning to stir - she may not have woken for another hour but I decided to lift her and feed her so that i could get a block of sleep - she then woke at 2.30am and again for the day at 5.45am!
DH is out tonight so first night putting two kids to bed!! I like the bath at night time as DS always gets one and when DD is a little bigger they will bath together!
I just read the Breastfeeding and EASY - I have been feeding 8 times a day so that is good and up until yesterday I was waking her every 3 hours to feed except at night - she usually does a 4 -5 hours stretch and then 3 hour slots after that.

I guess I just like to have an idea of where I am in the day for feeds etc - yesterday I dropped DS off at playschool and then she was due a feed so I fed her in the car - it was like 45 degrees outside and we were in the car with the air con full blast - not ideal! also had to put blanket in the window to cover myself from the passers by esp in a muslim country!
Once i know the general running of my day I can plan around all this! plus in my life I am a little organised :) :) :)