well, something is def. wrong with him. he fell asleep on my lap three times today. but seemed fine otherweise, so i took him to the splash park. but on the way home he wouldn't stop crying and rubbing his ears, until i took him out and help him and then he just keep trying to go to sleep. he ended up throwing up (mostly mucus) on himself twice, just on the car ride home. sorry tmi.
poor thing. so i guess the ear rubbing could really be either, ears or teeth right? guess we will find out at the dr. tom. and i am wondering if the vomiting was just from him getting himself so upset, even though that has never really happened before. i don't know. this is a big mess. he is asleep right now, and its past four, but there is no way i could wake him if i wanted too. so only God knows how tonight is going to go. poor little man. i hate being so helpless to make him feel better.