My little boy was on a pretty good run at 3mo - he learnt to sleep on his own and swaddling was no longer required. This however took a steep turn two weeks ago. I am not sure to attribute this to his second set of needles but everything seems to be going down hill from that week on.
He started to catnap - would only sleep for 30mins at a time and could not get past the first sleep cycle. I could force him back to sleep by patting him in my arms but it takes a lot of crying and I fear this would take me back to the days when I had to rock him to sleep. He is sometimes contend with the 30mins nap but at times wake with a yawn. He gets tired after 1.5hrs requiring another nap. He could only sleep a good two hour if I have him in a pram and walk him to sleep.
He also needed assistance settling before he falls asleep. I have to hold his hands and legs down to prevent kicking and hand movements (biting his fingers and sometimes getting over tired chewing on his lovey). The lovey used to help him settle but now that he's got better hand coordination, he could over tire himself playing with it. He hates being swaddled and I'd hate to have to go back down that path.
He is also waking earlier and earlier. I put him to bed after his bath and last feed just before 8pm. He would always wake for a feed at 1am and still does and would wake at 7.30am which was great. It's now getting earlier and earlier and this morning woke up at 5am! My husband had to rock him back to sleep when he started crying at 6.30am.
I am at a total lost! His routine is no longer an EASY routine. I can't even list it now. It's such a mess starting with a EASAS-E and now to sometimes an ESASA-E! I can guarantee you that I don't overtire him, always putting him down to self settle for a nap the moment he shows tired signs. Sometimes leaving him to self settle gets him overtired. What do I do
![Huh ???](