Need some quick help with my 2.5 yr old B/G twins- We are on day 2 of a short (for them nap) with a pretty good night- but waking up a little earlier than usual. I'm wondering if I need to tweak something or what?!? Neither of them have their 2 yr molars yet, and that could definitely be a factor here. This has been a pretty sudden change, which doesn't seem all that drastic... other than the fact that I have 2 miserable kids!!!- Here was our schedule as of 2/3 days ago:
between 7:30-8am wake up
between 8:30-9am breakfast
11:30ish lunch
between12:30-1pm for 1.5 hours
5-5:30ish dinner
between 7:30-8pm bedtime (asleep with 15 or so minutes)
now all of a sudden wake up is more like 7ish- I was thinking they were finally ready for more A time before their nap (they have always been high sleep needs kids and have done better with shorter A in the morning than the afternoon). Naps have been about the same, between 12:30-1pm, but now only lasting 1 hour. bedtime has been more like 7:00-7:30 because they are complete basket cases by then... I know it doesn't seem all that bad and many moms would love this- but they are just so darn miserable, it is making me mental!! I did try meds at nap time yesterday and actually neither of them slept at all!!! It was not the normal stuff that I give them, so I'm wondering if it had some adverse effect? I didn't give any today as I was worried the same thing would happen... If molars do have something to do with it, it doesn't seem to be bothering them at night (yet)!! What do you wonderful ladies think?