We're definitely going to check this out with our pediatrician, but looking to see if anyone has heard of giving melatonin to toddlers.
Our girls in the past 6 months have developed SERIOUS sleep issues. They weren't the best sleepers to begin with but this is starting to get a little ridiculous.
First here's our routine:
630 - 730am Wake up
8am Breakfast
8am-1130am Activity
1130am Lunch
12pm Nap
1pm - 5pm Activity
5pm Supper
530pm Walk
630pm Bath, teeth, song (stories are too stimulating)
7pm Bed
8-9pm actual drift off to sleep time.
Now bedtime can take anywhere from 1-2 hours involving screaming, tantrums and figiting in the bed. Tons of NW's (we consider it a miracle if there's only one per child), and EARLY wakes. Like 5am. We've tried ditching the naps twice for a period of two weeks each time. All that resulted in was major OT issues by 3pm and even more NW's. They ask for their nap and crash within 5-10 mins of laying down. If bedtime went like naptime, life would be great lol. We've tried moving bedtime back to 630 but still no difference and dh gets even less time with them. They show all the classic signs of tiredness come 6pm ish. We call it witching hour lol. They do have their 2nd year molars poking through and they started that in January. We've tried medicating for the teeth but I feel in my gut that this is something else. D is definitely worse than J
When they lay down, they do actually attempt to go to sleep. We have a white noise machine in their room, they like their room, and they even play naptime as a game at other points of the day. The best success we've had in actually getting them to go to sleep is by sitting in there with them as once they get frustrated that they can't go to sleep within 15 mins, the antics begin. Watching them it seems to me like they can't shut their brains off if that makes any sense. When they NW, we take them back calmly and quietly but they can't seem to drift off. We have a single bed in their room that dh sleeps in from time to time, but half the time they don't know he's there because they still come in to me. This started before E was born so I really don't think that this is response to having her with us. They are potty training, but tbh the only thing going well with that is they make sure they poo in the potty/toilet and have no awareness of pee most of the time so I don't think that that's waking them.
They're spirited, and we don't think there's any behavioural diagnostic issues such as ADHD or anything like that. They can focus on tasks and language skills are considerably more developed than their peers.
Like I said we're going to run this all by our pediatrician at the end of the month, but someone recommended melatonin for them and I was wondering if anyone has heard of it's use, safety, and effectiveness.