Author Topic: 13 month old refusing afternoon nap  (Read 3062 times)

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Offline vannmama80

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13 month old refusing afternoon nap
« on: September 15, 2010, 21:31:46 pm »
We are on day 5 of afternoon nap strike. I'm pretty sure he is not yet ready to make the 2 to one nap transition. Last week, he missed his normal morning nap several times due to a crazy schedule week for us, but he would still take an afternoon nap even if it was late like 4:30pm. And he would still go down at night (although took a little longer) and would sleep 11 and half to 12 hours. Then since Saturday, he has refused an afternoon nap. He still goes down easy in the morning, but screams when I put him in his crib for the afternoon nap. I do the same routine. Today, I thought I had it down. We had been out and he was almost asleep in the car. We went upstairs and rocked a bit to some music and I put him down. He fussed a bit, but calmed and seemed to drift off...10 minutes later he was up and then down and now is crying in his crib! Last night was terrible as he took 2 hours to go to sleep. He has been the easiest baby to put down the past 4 months. We do a nice nighttime routine of reading a few books, putting in sleep sack, rocking a bit to soft music and then down. He usually chatters a bit and goes to bed. Now he is fussing even going into his room!! Could this be something with separation anxiety? Teething? I just don't know what to do. Yesterday his nap got moved back to a little after noon (we were out) and he slept 2 hours, but still had those afternoon issues and was cranky! Here is his EASY.

7:30am Wake
8am Breakfast/Milk
Activity time
10am - Nap until 11:30 am or 12pm
Activity time
3pm or 3:30pm - Nap until 4:30pm
Bed at 7:30pm or 8pm


Offline *Becky*

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Re: 13 month old refusing afternoon nap
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2010, 11:31:46 am »
Hi there,
I would imagine he needs that morning nap cutting tbh. 3-3.5 hours A time after a 2 hour nap is very little for his age. If you would rather keep the morning nap longer then I think you will need to push back that second nap to more like 4/4.30pm and just give him half an hour to get him through to bedtime.
What do you think?
Becky x

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