OK, that I can recall right now. But DS usually sleeps 8 to 7:15, with a 2 hr nap during the day. He has had a cold this week so we have struggled with some nap resistance and NW, not a huge deal (BTW he got sick from a quick weekend away, it was too much). But yesterday he had an EW and then took an early 3 hour nap, LONG for him.
I put him down a little early 7:30, and he didn't fight it but started whining around 3am, DH nor I could get him back down, and we tried EVERYTHING. Gave meds for pain, rocked, APed, even tried bringing him into bed, watched cartoons, and tried time and time again to put him back down with NO luck. Long story short he has been up since 3am and it is now after 9am, he isn't yawning and isn't cranky really. How do I manage this day and days to come?? I cannot seem to get him back on track....