My son is 3 months and has been sleeping beautifully for a few months now- no NWs. The other night he woke up screaming and we could not settle him down. He was hysterical. I checked everything and could not figure out what it was. We were up for three hours- doing a lot of back rubbing, etc... but he was trying to jump into my arms each time I came to the side of the crib. The minute I took him out he was fine, then when I put him back in he would arch his back and scream again...this went on for hours. I finally got him to sleep in the rocking chair at 4:30am.....he did keep staring at his night light for some reason.
Now, the past two nights he is a bear when we set him down- screaming so hard he is gasping for air. Lastnight he settled after 15 minutes or so and tonight he won't settle down. My hubby is up with him now, laying down with him. I am not sure what happened- do you think something scared him and he's freaked out now to be alone at night? Naptime today was totally fine- went to sleep awake in his crib - like he has done during the day/night for months now.
I am not sure how to get back on track.