My lo is 10 weeks old. We were having a BW schedule for the past 3 weeks, putting him to sleep with shh/pat on the hands and later in his bed.
In the last 3-4 days his naps have gone down to ~40 minutes, with possily equal time to fall asleep. Than he would wake up, screaming, and would not sleep again.
We tried to calm him back to sleep, with long minutes of shh/pat, while he is crying out.
Currently, every nap he is crying to sleep, and if we place him in his bed he will sleep maybe 40 minutes, and later in the day less than 10, and wake up screaming.
I do not think this is related to hunger, since if he sleeps on the hands, he continues to sleep, and can even miss the next meal by 1 hour.
Currently in the last 2 days, it is very hard to keep any kind of rutine (eating or sleeping), and for the majority of the good sleeps, he is on our hends.
Please help!