Ladies, I might need your advice again.
I was posting here before, we had some terrible time with switching 2-1 and after that was great.
Amelia, who is an independent sleeper since she was 4 mo old, used to have one nap and then, in the evening, went to bed with no problems. Sleeping thru the night and waking up at 7.30 - 8 am...
Then it was time for fussing before nap, for many ups and downs.
Finally she had stopped napping in August, when she was 2,5 y old.
And she was doing great.
Although I was very strresed out about OT Monster, etc...
She had her "rest time" upstairs in the crib, while she could play and read some books...
And our routine was 13 hrs at night and 11 hrs in the day.
It was perfect, I could say - she was up at 8 am in the morning, and was asleep before 7 pm. No NWs and EWs...
But then she started to wake up earlier and earlier - and I was expecting that

First it was 7 am, after few days 6.50 am, then 7 again, and after few days 6.30 am... The day before yesterday and yesterday it was 6.30 am and today she was up at 6.10 am.
Right now I'm awaiting for 5.50...
And soon we'll have to set our clocks one hr back, so...

Right now I don't exactly know what to do. I know I should shorten her evening and put her into bed earlier, but 5 pm is way too early for us (we have another girl, who is 7 yrs old and has some activities after school).
Please, maybe you could see something I don't?...
Here's our routine:6.30 am up
6.30 in bed and asleep around 6.45 pm
(even though when she wakes at 7 am, she's in bed at 6.30 pm - just to preserve her from OT)
I try very hard to keep her at least in 12/12 hrs routine, but sometimes I just can't (the older one).
But pretty much time we have almost the same schedule.
Today she was up at 6.10 am - am I supposed to put her into bed at 6 pm??...
I have no idea
how to break the cycle and make her sleep untill 7 am (it's my dream).

She won't nap anymore, it's out of question.
What else?...
Dear Ladies, please - maybe you have some ideas?Will appreciate it.