Author Topic: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!  (Read 982 times)

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Offline arabesque

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Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« on: November 22, 2010, 21:26:59 pm »
Hi everyone

DS2 has begun waking at 5:30am. He used to wake between 6:30 and 7am, to start the day at 7. I've been holding him off til his usual time for first nap (he has huge A time of 3h20m). So the past few days have been:

W EW at 5:30am, talk/cry in cot, we go in and try to keep him quiet til 7 if he's really worked up
E7am BF
Solids 8:30am
S 10:20-12md (he's just started having looong naps - well, this is long for him ;)

E 12md BF
Solids 1:30pm
S 3:00-4:00 (I wake him to preserve bedtime)

E 4pm BF
solids 5:15/30pm
E 6:40pm BF
S 7pm

DF formula 180ml 10:15pm

I know we need to drop the DF but he won't take more solids/longer BF (always very short) during the day. I'm not sure why he's waking at 5:30am. He woke early for 5 days, then I put him back in his Winter sleeing bag (it's HOT here now) and he slept better 2 nights. So he was in his warm bag the last 2 nights and he's gone back to 5:30am waking.

Any advice most welcome :)
DS1 July 2007; DS2 April 2010; DD September 2014

Offline arabesque

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Re: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 21:20:54 pm »
He's 8 months. :)
DS1 July 2007; DS2 April 2010; DD September 2014

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Re: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 10:27:09 am »
Hi there :)

Thanks for your reply. I had a really bad feeling this could be the start of the 2-1!! I started a thread on that but had no replies. Yes, I think I'll try waking him at the hour mark. What would you recommend for A time following that? I did wake him at the 1hr mark last week but got a second short nap, so I didn't do it again. I know it will take some perseverance though :)

He's got his first two bottom teeth, and is grizzly (he's a grumpy baby) but I can't see any more on the horizon just yet. My first thought when this EW started was that it was teething, but the timing is too consistent. I've hung a quilt over his window to try and block out more light if that's causing a problem.

He's just cried out now (9:20pm) so I hope we're not in for an unsettled night!

Thanks for your advice, I'll keep you posted :)
DS1 July 2007; DS2 April 2010; DD September 2014

Offline nursemeg01

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Re: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 04:06:24 am »
What happens if you don't wake him for the 2nd nap? Would he refuse to go to bed at 7? What is he like when you wake him from the 2nd nap (happy or grumpy?)

Offline arabesque

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Re: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2010, 04:27:19 am »
Hi nursemeg...I've missed you :) How was your trip away?

I've been waking him at the hour from nap 1 all week...except two days he's only done 45mins anyway. Then all but one time he's gone through the 45min mark for nap 2...his longest has been 1.5hrs, which is perfect! I haven't been waking him from nap 2 but he's waking on his own by 4. He always cries upon waking. He has resisted going down at 7 before.

Anyway it's had a positive effect on EWs, touch wood. He is still waking early but we are generally making it til 6, rather than 5:30. He's easily making it til 10:20 for nap 1 but I'm reluctant to push it later, I just don't need him to be having such huge A times! So he's getting about 2hrs day sleep across both naps and 10.5-11hrs at night...still very low but a bit better. I'm still so tired though. Even 6 is tooooo early! Lol.
DS1 July 2007; DS2 April 2010; DD September 2014

Offline arabesque

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Re: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2010, 08:25:19 am »
The other thing that's been really draining is that he's constantly grumpy. Crying/whinging, even when I'm holding him. He's not crawling and seems to have no desire to learn how (hates tummy time, if he rolls onto his tummy will just cry until someone helps him). He's seriously cranky 90% of the day.

Today he had a 45 min morning nap and then was pretty happy because we were out and he was social and lovely and making everyone think I lie about how difficult and demanding he is at home, and then he napped for 1h45m this afternoon and cried for nearly the whole 3 hours until bedtime. Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? I can't understand how he can be so unhappy at home and so angelic out. I've upped his solids, but he still roots for feeds frequently. Maybe he is desperately hungry? Still gaining weight though and healthy, despite not being happy. This afternoon I was so frustrated with him. Nothing I do will stop the constant crying :'(
DS1 July 2007; DS2 April 2010; DD September 2014

Offline arabesque

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Re: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2010, 20:27:09 pm »
Thanks JAY3...I think you're right. Why does teething have to cause such grief?!!

A 5:50am wake here for a 7am routine start...EWs getting worse again :(
DS1 July 2007; DS2 April 2010; DD September 2014

Offline nursemeg01

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Re: Nearly 8mo now started waking at please!
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2010, 01:21:16 am »
Oh stupid teeth! They throw us for a loop too--my DD is getting her 1st year molars and for some reason has a diaper rash as a result. It threw sleep way off too. I pre-medicate just as Jay3 said, plenty of cool teething rings and cool washcloths during the day. I also froze some juice and made popsicles which we eat outside. My DD loves the outside too and is instantly happy---you said it's warm there right? Well enjoy that, it's freezing here.

the afternoons are always worse for us---so it's not you. I think babes just know that you are trying to make dinner and it's just hectic so they act up. Does he sit unsupported? if so, mine loves to pull out all the tupperware in the cabinet and that lets me make dinner.

I also note that my DD is much hungrier in the evening. I've been giving her snacks to get her you think he could chew a pretzel stick or teething biscuit? that might fix two problems as long as he wouldn't choke! hang in there. frustration is common, this too will pass someday and just think when he's a teenager you won't be able to get him OUT of bed!