Up until about 5 days ago I was single side feeding. I was finding it hard to get to the 3 hour mark so I started offering the second and then back onto the first.
This has been going well (she STTN for the last 3 nights 6 -6!) however the last two feeds today the 12pm and the 3pm ones She has fed on one side and then started getting really fussy and bobbing off and on and crying, So I figure she is still hungry so I put her on the other side she feeds then does the same but I can't get her to latch back on to either side.....
I am now thinking that perhaps she is lazy now and likes the faster flow at the beginning and won't suck for the hindmilk?
She lasted fine from 12pm - 3pm but yesterday all of her feeds were about 25/30mins today I am reaching only about 15mins!
So do you think is she getting lazy? what can I do? or am i worrying over nothing?
Oh and when I couldn't get her to latch on I put her down and she was asleep in seconds. Her cry at the boob wasn't a hunger cry.