Here's what our routine looks like nowadays:
5am - awake (ugh!)
5:15 - bottle
6-6:30 - breakfast
8 - nap (1.5 to 2 hours)
10/10:30 - bottle/snack
12 - lunch
1/1:30 nap (1.5 hours)
3 - bottle/snack
5 - dinner
7 - bath/bottle
sleep by 7:30, sometimes later
My main problem is obviously the EW. How do I get her to sleep later?
The other concern is that she still can't really stay up for more than 3 hours of activity time and I thought by this age (11.5 months), she would be on 3.5 - 4. What gives?!
How can I tweak this schedule?
Any advice is greatly appreicated.
She's also having, what I think is, seperation anxiety. If I leave her alone, she melts down and comes looking for me, pulls on my pants crying until I pick her up. I've tried to not pick her up and sit beside her and get her attention with something else, but she will climb me if she has to! Needless to say, she's on my hip most of the day. I don't really mind too much, unless I'm trying to cook for her or something. But taking a shower has also become more difficult. Even if she can see me in there, she cries! Have I created this problem myself? I should probably post this topic somewhere else (but where?)!