I'm in the same boat as you Kitty...
I'm just beginning the ssh/pat method as my hubby and I are trying to wean off rocking our LO to sleep. It is really hard work. My LO is a preemie, 9 wks actual age and 4 1/2 wks adjusted age. I immediately begin winding down after burping and changing diaper as her wind down period takes so long, sometimes wind downs begin before her first yawn. I begin ssh/pat standing still rather than sitting as suggested in the Four S's. Then as soon she her eyes begin to shut, I put her in her crib. Her eyes open back up but she doesn't cry. She just looks so awake but I know she's tired as she was yawning while we were standing. I ssh/pat, 30-45 mins. Most times she looks wide awake, sometimes she cries and even wails, but I keep BW in mind, and try not to p/u. Just continue to ssh/pat. If her wail is too intense, then I pick up and ssh/pat on my shoulder, but only briefly until she is calm and then try again to put down in crib. It is really hard to hear her cry... I feel your pain...