Hello! I have a breastfed 6mo baby girl who has been in no routine at all after a shaky start - she was losing weight and had tongue tie that wasn't fixed till she was 9wks and also has silent reflux (screamed with pain and refused to feed) that is kept under control by me having a dairy free diet from 6wks - her weight and feeding is fine now but cos of all the problems we had when she was newborn she's learned lots of bad habits that I'm now ready to help her undo. She's just starting solids now.
She has a pacifier,
She has no regular naps or set bedtime
She will only go to sleep when rocked or breastfed or in sling and usually wakes when we put her down which means naps are often taken on my lap,
She will sleep for a long time in a carseat (not ideal but I sometimes leave her there for a bit of peace

but its not everyday),
She normally goes in a sling when I take my older kids to school and I push my toddler in the pram,
In the evenings she stays downstairs with me until I go to bed (feeds on and off, dozes on my lap, wakes easily) - I did try taking her up to bed earlier for a week or so but she would wake 5/10/20mins after leaving her, even though she seemed flat out and I was up and downstairs like a yoyo all night (I BF her to sleep in our bed and then snuck off LOL)
We co-sleep and she snacks on the boob all night - has never settled in cot or moses basket
I'm tired and touched out and need things to change - Where do I start?! LOL
How can I get her routine to fit with me being out on school run from 830-930am and 230-330pm (its half hour each way walking)
Oh and I just realised I bought the wrong book, I have "secrets of the baby whisperer", so am waiting for my new copy "solves all your problems" to come from amazon