For my daughter, we lived and died by the nap and bed time. She was really affected if she missed it, her mood would be bad which didn't make any event we were at fun or it worth it. She'd be that kid we'd have to drag out of grandma/grandpa's house screaming if we missed our window of opportunity to get her in the car.
For my son, we've been pretty lightened up from about the age of 1 honestly. He's proven that so long as he is occupied and engaged his mood stays good. Yes, we've had a few NW due to OT but frankly we get NW regardless so it is not typcially any worse then normal. And yes, he may cry a bit when he gets into the car but with 1 exception we never had him screaming the entire way home. It still makes me anxious because you never know, but we can have 1 day here or there with no nap or moved nap and just deal with getting him back on track over the next few days. Ditto on the bed time.
I will say, I found with both that if they had a busy weekend or less sleep weekend it would be around Tuesday that you'd really see the full effect of them trying to make up for it in a longer nap or sleeping in etc. Just have to sort of go with the flow a few days until you feel like sleep has been caught up.
Now that the kids have spent the night at Grandma/Grandpa's a time or two, DH and I just know that they will be OT when they get home and we'll have our hands full. It is a huge trade off so my only suggestion is make it worth it