Hi! Thanks for your response!
Not quite sure about the teething...he's gotten his upper and lower laterals on the right side, but not the left side (has a total of six teeth) but I feel like it took him forever to cut those. So who knows when the other side will make an appearance. We do Tylenol as needed if he's really chewing on his fingers and Oragel before bed.
Let me clarify: we don't just let him lay in his bed and scream. I do have, and have read "Solves All Your Problems", and found it very useful when he was younger. Unfortunately I have loaned it to a friend in another state! We'll give him a few minutes to see if he settles down and then go in there. I, however, can never seem to comfort him. He also fights against me and reaches for the door wanting his Daddy. There was one night recently where he was fine as long as my husband was holding him. But as soon as he laid him down he'd wake up and scream. So we ended up letting him cry for awhile, going in every little bit to check on him, but not pick him up. He eventually went back to sleep. He has a stuffed animal and blanket he sleeps with, as well as pacis and a sippy with water.
For the past two nights he has woken up around 11:30 (he's been getting milk here because he won't drink it before bed) and again around 5:30 (but thankfully not ready to get up). He may be just getting too much sleep during the day. It took him 1.5hrs to fall asleep last night (put him down at 8 and he fell asleep aroun 9:30). He does however, now have a runny nose. But this has been a pattern for several weeks...the NW and sometimes EW that is.
He doesn't seem to be a high needs sleeper. For example, Sunday we were out running errands all day. He slept till 8:45 that morning, didn't get a morning nap, only slept for about 40 minutes in the afternoon and went to bed fine around 8. He was a little cranky, but overall seemed okay.
That's why I was wondering if maybe he was ready to drop that morning nap. Although I'm not sure I'm ready for him to drop it!!
Thanks for your help!