Author Topic: where do i put solids with EASY 4/4  (Read 1160 times)

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where do i put solids with EASY 4/4
« on: March 13, 2011, 13:34:37 pm »
my DD is 4 months old now, and i am preparing and doing a lot of reading about her solids! if she is on a 4 hour EASY 7,11,3,7 and DF at 10.30-11pm, where would i feed her her puree to start off with?

just morning time for a few days and then do i give in the afternoon and evetually lunch too??

i would really appreciate some help witht this i know her milk will priority just would like to know when is best to feed her pureed fruit etc  TY

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Re: where do i put solids with EASY 4/4
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 13:43:42 pm »
 I started with breakfast and whenever I intro'd a new food I would give it either breakfast or lunch incase of a reaction. I kept breakfast going for about a week then gave lunch. Same with dinner. Take it at your baby's pace though. She'll let you know when she wants more!

 As for timings i used to give milk first then solids about an hour after, so....

 7am - milk feed
 8am - breakfast
 11am - milk feed
 12 - lunch
 3 - milk feed
 4/4.30 dinner

 And remember that solids are just for fun at this point. Get messy and have fun with it.  ;D

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Re: where do i put solids with EASY 4/4
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 15:21:51 pm »
Agreeing with everything Emma has said!

Since she's so young there's no hurry to get to 3 meals.  I would start with either breakfast OR lunch (whichever suits you and her the best), and go with that for a few weeks before introducing a second meal.  There is no rush at 4mos to get moving quickly with solids, and since milk will still be more important for her nutrition than solids, you want to make sure she is still drinking all her milk and not decreasing the amounts in favor of solids.

It's best to give solids about 1hr after her milk feeds, so you could either do it at 8am or 12pm.  Pick a time when she is happy and well rested.  She will not be as keen to try something new if she is tired.

And definitely leave a lot of time to watch for a reaction.  I've read to leave at least 4 or 5hrs before bedtime after trying new foods, but even more time is probably a good idea.

The most important thing, follow your baby!  If she takes to solids like a duck to water, then you can proceed a little faster.  But if she is hesitant to try it and doesn't seem ready, don't feel like you have to push.  You can always give it a break and try again at a later time.  :)
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