Author Topic: Choking on Cheerios, cookies etc. at 10 months  (Read 1552 times)

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Choking on Cheerios, cookies etc. at 10 months
« on: March 08, 2011, 15:36:44 pm »

My son will be 10 months old in a few days. Unlike my daughter who could feed herself a baby cookie at 8 months, almost every time we give him a cookie or Cheerios he chews on it and when some gets to the back of his tongue it makes him gag and he starts making retching sounds. Sometimes he has even thrown up. The doctor told us when he was 9 months that he has an oral sensitivity and that he should out grow it but I've been reading articles on the internet that say otherwise- that this may be a reason to seek therapy of some kind.

So I just wanted to see what other parents' experiences have been with this. He is a big baby (24 lbs) and clearly wants to eat what we are eating. But I am very scared of him choking and concerned that he may be put off food. For anyone who has been in this situation, what is the road ahead like?


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Re: Choking on Cheerios, cookies etc. at 10 months
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 20:45:47 pm »
I have no experience myself but I do think that some babies have a harder time with textures.  It does seem to be a sensory thing and seeing an occupational therapist may help.  I'll see if I can find some more info for you.  :)
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Re: Choking on Cheerios, cookies etc. at 10 months
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 20:53:57 pm »
Hi there

This is really common, and we experienced it a little bit. There is a big difference between choking and gagging. Choking is when something is blocking the air way, gagging is a necessary reaction that is helping your LO figure out how to eat. Gagging and throwing things up is a good thing believe it or not as it means he has the ability to clear his airway himself. A choking baby is quiet as he is unable to make a noise or get rid of the thing in his throat. My advice would be to continue offering him things, leave them on the table in front of him so he can take them himself, babies have an uncanny ability to know what they are ready for and what they are not, at this stage always sit with him when he eats or keep in your view. If he is getting upset at the experience then take it all a step back and stop giving him the things that are making him gag.But if he quite happily gags/throws up and continues on his way without being upset then its not really bothering him at all.  You can trust in his ability to get there in the end. From what you describe I really don't think he needs any therapy at this point, he's just getting used to different textures and tastes. You may want to consider doing a baby first aid course so you have a bit more confidence to deal with a choking situation. Keep monitoring the situation and if after a while he is still not used to chunkier things you may want to revisit you doc. but for the moment, sounds normal to me

hope this helps

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Re: Choking on Cheerios, cookies etc. at 10 months
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 01:39:06 am »
A Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) could help you with this. It sounds like he definitely has texture issues with food. I'd check out a SLP that specializes in pediatrics.
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Re: Choking on Cheerios, cookies etc. at 10 months
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 04:22:53 am »
Spencer was a real gagger & choker (and for sure the gagging is a good thing, esp when they get the food back up themselves!)  Her problem was partly to do with texture issues, but that mostly involved her not wanting to eat/touch particular foods, but mainly because of enlarged tonsils.  Since she has had her tonsils and adenoids out she has not been gagging at the table and I have not had to perform the heimlich on her once (taking first aid was a good idea for sure!)