My LO is 6 month 2weeks. We have been doing BW 4ish hour easy 7-7 for about a month now, with success, but I've had to retrain several times with vacation and shots. I do a dreamfeed between 10-12 depending on when I wake up.
Now, I am worried about teething, he has been drooling like crazy the last day or so. Last week my LO got shots, so I nursed back to sleep for two nights while he recovered from that. Last night I was going back to doing BW and he woke up at 11, I fed him, then at 2, I gave him baby orajel (topical teething med), and did pu/pd for 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, he wouldn't settle down. I was exhausted, frazzled and gave him some tylenol (stronger pain med). He calmed down after another 20 minutes.
My question is, how does Pu/pd and BW work when you suspect teething? And a non BW-related question: when do you give pain meds for teething? I am not 100% sure there's going to be teeth or that he needed the tylenol, but I was exhausted.