Author Topic: Help baby cant get to sleep at night and cant stay asleep during the day!!!  (Read 1187 times)

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Offline MichC

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  I started easy from day one at home and it went very well for the first 5 weeks.  Then one day he woke up and didnt want to be swaddled anymore. he would scream not cry just scream I would loosen his swaddle and he would instanly fall asleep. After this I fell into all kind of accidental parenting (he slept in bed with us for a few weeks, on the couch for naps) I started putting him back in his cribs for nap and he will only sleep for 45 minutes and I need to be there for the first 20 and then return by 30-35 or I miss his transition and wakes up at 45 minutes (and not happy). If Im there he can sleep for 1.5-2 hours and pretty happy when he wakes up.
   Three weeks ago I tried a 4 hour easy but he would wake up and eat at 9:30 and then sleep until 4 or 5. I know that sounds good but I was scared to go from 8 meals to 5 at 6 weeks.
  Now I recently changed from a 3 hour easy to a 3.5 hour easy because he doesnt seem hungrey at 3 hours also sometimes I feel I wake him too early because its been 3 hours between feedings and then he is un-happy.  He eats better and doesnt ask to be fed before then.   He is back in his crib at night and wakes up differently every night.
  My problem is he goes to sleep well during the day but cant sleep long and sleeps pretty well at night but I cant get him to go to sleep.  I get him up at 7 change his diaper, put him in p.j.s, feed him, cuddle him, he gets looly swaddled and held until sleepy but he fights going to sleep.  I do the same thing minus the p.j.s during the day and he goes to sleep well.  I just need help I just dont know what to do.

goal routine:
E 7-730
A 7:30-8:30
S 8:30-10:30
E 10:30-11
A 11-12
S 12-2
E 2-2:30
A 2:30-3:30
S 3:30-5:30
E 5:00-5:30
A 5:30-6
S 6-7
E 7-7:30
S 8
What happend today:
E 7:30-8 (didnt mean to sleep in)
A 8-9
S 9-10:30
A 10:30-10:50
E 10:50-11:15
A 11:15-12
S 12-1 AND 1:30-2
A 2-2:30
E 2:30-2:55
A 2:55-3:10
S 3:10-5:30
E 5:30-6
A 6-6:35
S 6:35- 7:30 - and is still up not sleeping, sometimes crying sometimes not crying just very tired and its 10:08

Offline my3girlsjde

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Is he in discomfort of any kind?
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

Remembering my sleeping angels: 17 Jan 06, 30 Jul 09

Offline MichC

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He has terrible gas everyday all day. The Dr. suggested one ml of maalox or mylanta at 7am and pm which had helped but it is still very bad.  I burp him twice on each side and then over the sholder and after a diaper change just to be safe.

Offline my3girlsjde

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Has your doctor checked reflux?

Have you tried a sling? You can AP some naps to get out of the OT cycle you're in. And if he does happen to have reflux, then sleeping more upright would also help.
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

Remembering my sleeping angels: 17 Jan 06, 30 Jul 09

Offline MichC

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That sounds like a great idea.  How long should I do AP?? A couple of days or longer??  I dont think its reflux because he slept so well right from the start and even when we were co-sleeping he was fine then too.  Could he need more or less activity? Should I try a four hour easy or is this just too soon for a 9.5 week old?  Or just stick with what I have?

Offline my3girlsjde

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I would first try AP'ing for a day or two until everyone is rested and in a decent frame of mind again. It does a lot for the sanity to know that baby is getting adequate rest. Then try again.

Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

Remembering my sleeping angels: 17 Jan 06, 30 Jul 09

Offline smilymel

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This is good to read.  My LO is 9 weeks old and I'm trying to get her into some sort of routine, or just to sleep in her bed during the day sometimes would be good.  I didn't know it was ok to do a 3.5 hour routine, but your goal routine would fit my day really well.  I think I'll aim for that one too!