So my lo is 11.5 mos, still 2 naps. Today she is ill with fever. Usually her am nap is 1.5-2hrs. Today I've let her sleep as long as she wants because she hasn't been well. Her A time between naps is about 3hr 15min. Which will likely put her for a very late catnap.So if she goes dwn for the catnap around 4ish do I only let her sleep 30min or let her go 45 to an hour? I'm alone for bedtime tonight and also have a 3 yr old who needs a bedtime routine. I am usually able to get dd in bed before him so it's not a problem, but now if I have to put her down at the same time or later that's going to be problematic
So she slept until 135! Now, do I just put her to bed early or slip in a 30min nap @5pm??