I will wait only 3 minutes between visits from now on. I don't like the idea of wi/wo because i feel it is teasing her and would rather lay her down myself.
3 minutes must feel like a very long time for an LO to be crying and wondering why mummy isn't coming back in. This is really controlled crying if you are going by the clock and not responding based on her cries. I am sure you want her to be going to bed knowing mummy comes when she needs you rather than just giving up that will come back anytime soon so I think it is important that you forget the clock and just go by her cues.
I agree it probably was SA due to spending so long at home with you and then having to go back to nursery while you go to work. She probably just needs a bit of reassurance that you are still there for her.
She may not be crying just because of the pain of the teething but it can make them pretty miserable and they don't understand why. I hear the molars are some of the worst so I would definitely medicate if you think she is in any discomfort at all from the teeth.
I thought it might be useful if she needs your help at BT again for me to share a modified WIWO that I do with my DS when he is OT or upset at BT. I put DS in his cot as usual, say our sleepy phrase and leave the room. If he stands up and cries I return immediately. I lay him back down and say "It's sleepy time honey, lie down and go to sleep" in a kind, reassuring voice and then I leave the room. If he is still upset, I wait until he stands up again and go back in immediately. This might only be as long as it takes him to stand up, so about 20 seconds perhaps. I repeat laying him down and saying the sleepy phrase and then I leave again. I do this as many times as I have to until he doesn't stand up again and this normally means he stops crying as well. He might still be fussing/moaning a little but it's not a proper, upset cry. If however he seems to be getting more upset then once I have laid him down I will rub his belly a little and say a few kind words to help soothe him. Normally that will help to calm him within seconds and then I leave again. Sometimes now he is used to this method it only takes me going back in once for him to realise I am there and there is no point in keep standing up crying. Sometimes now he will even lie back down when I go back in the room so I just say the sleepy phrase and leave.
The other thing I wanted to suggest is don't be afraid to do a slightly earlier BT on the days she naps badly at nursery to help avoid the OT.