Thanks Martina!
Don't think it's a texture issue, as the meat he's had has been in the stage 2 purees which are still very pureed! I also tried him on some salmon blended really smooth with cucumber and he wasn't keen at all

My Mum reckons he's just avoiding the harder to digest stuff as he senses he can't digest it...
I'm happy to give him small portions of meat and grains but he prefers making patterns on the table with them to actually putting any in his mouth

I will keep on trying every 2 weeks or so and try not to be concerned!
At least he isn't crawling yet so he's not really burning up loads of calories

Unfortunately he can't have dairy as he's MPI and I'm not risking several other allergens yet either, so I don't know how I'm going to feed him if he'll only take HAF, fruit & veg

I keep reading about how other babies this age (and even younger!) are munching sandwiches

and wondering why mine is nowhere near this