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Offline nevinsmama

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What was THAT!
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:39:58 am »
Hi Mamas. My Nevin is 27 months old and a decent sleeper. WE have had uneventful sleep for about a year with only a couple blips. Not sure exactly what happened but we are having a major blip right now. Absolute hysteria at BT!

He got out of his crib Sunday afternoon after waking happily from his nap, no bumps or bruises, his only worry was that his diaper basket was on his head.

A few days before that I went in to wake him from his nap and he was sitting up with his blankie on his head, I thought what the heck and walked towards the door to turn the light on and he freaked out! I went to him and picked him up and asked him what was wrong and he said "Bag, don't like sound" WAY up high on a shelf there was an old plastic bag! I pushed it back and we talked alot about how safe his room is and how bag is all gone. Didn't have any trouble after this.

Two nights ago I went to put him to bed and he absolutely spazzed out, I though he was in some kind of pain or really fearful or something so we abandoned our usual "talk from the door" technique and I laid down with him. Which I have only ever done when he was sick or something. He wants his space and he loves to babble in his crib for an hour or so before dropping off!

So, next night my Mom had him and laid him down and they had a big talk about his stuffies wanting to go to sleep and his soft, safe, cozy bed and he went off without a blip!

Tonight was really hard for me, he didn't have the hysterical fearful cry and would sometimes get mad and then he would settle a bit so we stuck with WIWO/talk from the door. After 2 hours he cracked and went to sleep!

Am I dealing with this right? If he is fearful am I scarring him? I hear him having a quiet talk right now with his teddy bear and we have talked a lot about being safe and cozy and how Mama is ALWAYS right there for him. What do you think? At the same time he picks up on everything SO FAST I don't want to get played by a 2yo!

He gets up around 7, naps around 1 or 1:30 for up to 2 hours and then asleep ideally at 8:30 but sometimes he sings and plays up to 9. Today we had only an hour and 20 minute carnap as we were out I * think* he is asleep now at (gasp) 9:30.

Thanks in advance for any guidance here!



Offline Tweakster

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Re: What was THAT!
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 11:34:32 am »
Following.  We're getting very similar behaviour.
The tweaking never stops!

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: What was THAT!
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2011, 16:16:17 pm »
It's tough isn't it!? And after so many nights and naps of happy babbles. Well, just laid him down and quiet so far, fingers and toes crossed!!!



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Re: What was THAT!
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2011, 00:18:13 am »
(((hugs)))  Just to make sure, does he have all his teeth?

I do wonder if the incident with the plastic bag has rattled him a bit and he's experiencing a bit of SA.  I found around this age is when DS1 started becoming more afraid of things.  It does sound like you've got some separation anxiety going on, possibly from developmental leaps (i.e. he is now understanding that some things may be scary?).

I think you are doing the right things.  I do think that talking to him and lots of reassurance is necessary.  In my experience if he has been sleeping well for a long time then by this age his habits are well ingrained so I don't think a little extra cuddles or reassurance will do harm.  We had screaming and bedtime issues at this age too, and DH actually spent some nights in DS's room because we were just so tired (new baby as well), and it didn't create any problems.  Not suggesting you do that!  Just saying that I'm sure whenever the issue is passes he will return to sleeping normally again. 

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Offline Tweakster

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Re: What was THAT!
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2011, 00:19:55 am »
Well I just had to go back in and rock my 2 yr old down after an already horrendous bedtime.  He told me he was 'scared'.  What is in the air!
The tweaking never stops!

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: What was THAT!
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2011, 00:22:55 am »
Well, of all things! Have had 2 perfect quiet naps and 2 perfect happy BTs! Geesh, I still don't know what was up! DH put Nevin down last night and he has a very quiet calm way. Laid him in the crib sang to him 2 songs as usual then Nevin jumped up gave him kisses, said "night night Daddy, go away" ( Mom smacks self in forehead) Babbled until 8:45 and then up this morning at 6:50. BIt of a shortish night but he does love his 2 hour nap so we roll with it:)

So I set him down for his nap and no troubles. DH woke him after 2 hours and so  I was brave this evening and set him down. I wondered if I was making too much of the "scare" and just needed to keep things as close to "usual" as possible. So didn't even bring up "Scary" and just did plain old routine and he was fine! Still babbling!

 OH, and all the teeth are here.

So I still don't really know what "it" was but i wonder if it was a genuine worry the first night and the 2nd night was seeing what Mom was made of? I don't do well with not knowing but that is Motherhood huh??

THanks for the hugs and encouragement, good luck to you and Finn for your BT's Wendy.

I am glad that BW is here and I have never just left him to scream his head off but have been able to try to find out WHY. THanks, if this blows up, I will be back!



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Re: What was THAT!
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2011, 00:56:51 am »
Great news!  Just a little blib I suppose, try not to read too much into it.  FWIW, as DS1 has gotten older (2+), he is definitely more affected by things during the day which disrupt his sleep, but his comprehension is also getting better too so we can work it out more reasonably.  Hopefully you are getting there too.  :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
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