Author Topic: Fusses then sleeps then fusses then sleeps after 45 min nap  (Read 975 times)

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Offline sheppardjennifer

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my 10 week old has been sleeping through the night for 2 weeks - YAY!  Naps are a different story.  she is on a 3 hour EASY schedule.  She wakes around 6am, is fed then awake for about 1 hour up to 1 hour and 20 minutes then shows sleepy signs and is swaddled, we wind down for a few minutes and she is put in her crib where she falls pretty much right to sleep (around 7am.)  She doesn't stir at all until 45 minutes (7:45am) when she'll wake up. She will fuss for 2 minutes then back to sleep for about 2 minutes, then fuss for 2min, then back to sleep for a few minutes (up to 10 min.)  This continues as long as I'll let it go and I end up waking her about 30 minutes shy from her 3 hour feeding schedule (around 8:30am.) She will have 30 min of A time before eating again at 9am.  What is going on and should I let her continue the fuss, sleep deal she's doing or wake her up and try something different?  She doesn't show signs of being hungry but has sleepy signs written all over her face.  help!

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Fusses then sleeps then fusses then sleeps after 45 min nap
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2011, 22:52:36 pm »
Have you tried helping her resettle at that 45 minute wakening rather than getting her up?  So use ssh=pat to get her back into a more restful sleep?
2 months 1 hour and 15 - 20 mins
3 months 1 hour and 20 - 30 mins

You mention you go for first nap about 1 hour to 1 hour 20 after wake up.  COuld be time to consistently move to 1.20 as typical A time would be more than one hour by 10 weeks so a little more A time would help with her getting through that 45 minute waking.

Hurray on the STTN!! Amazing!!!

Offline sheppardjennifer

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Re: Fusses then sleeps then fusses then sleeps after 45 min nap
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2011, 11:31:08 am »
hey there
At 45 minutes I do get her to go back to sleep with shh -pat but after a few mintues (no more then 10) she is awake again.  Then falls asleep again, then awake again.  She'll do this sleep/awake over and over again and I don't let it go more then 45 more minutes at which time I get her up and do A time until she's ready to eat again. 

Offline CrystalW

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Re: Fusses then sleeps then fusses then sleeps after 45 min nap
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 00:06:56 am »
I'm in the same boat with my 11 week old.  I remember this stage with DS1, and he basically just had to outgrow it (around 6 mos).  It's sooo frustrating.  I've been trying to stretch DS2 awake times, but he seems to get OT so easily... then its hard to get him down to bed at night.... just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever and that someday you'll miss the time when he was this small...

Offline GCMom

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Re: Fusses then sleeps then fusses then sleeps after 45 min nap
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2011, 19:05:02 pm »
I just posted about the same thing.  My DS2 is 10 weeks.  My DS1 did the same thing at 6 weeks and it lasted until 5+ months.  So what do you do? Keep trying to extend the naps? Get them up and do many 40 min naps? Let them sleep outside the crib?  Then just try again in a few more weeks?

Offline CrystalW

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Re: Fusses then sleeps then fusses then sleeps after 45 min nap
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2011, 21:31:20 pm »
I try to extend the naps when possible.  If its not possible or not working then we move on with our day.  I then put him back down about an hour after he woke up from his short nap.  Sometimes he's due for a feed in there, sometimes he's not. He won't sleep outside the crib for me, so its extend or nothing.  However, I would AP or use a swing to avoid OT.  I wouldn't stop and start, that's confusing.  Continue to follow a winddown routine and encourage independent sleep at the beginning of a nap.  Even if they only take a 45 min nap, they're still associating the crib with sleep. I think that's the key in the long run.