Yes, one nap. Usually he goes down between 12-12:30 and up around 2-2:30. He starts his day between 7-7:30am and bt is usually 8pm (7:30pm if he seems extra tired)
When I say wind down, I moreso mean that we start to settle down and do more mellow activities, iykwim? So after dinner he helps me clean up, he has bath with Daddy, milk, quiet time play ect. We don't actually go into his room for stories/songs until closer to bt. (say 20 mins before). I have to keep bath at least an hour if not more away from BT b/c it can get him pretty wound up.
The other thing that comes to mind is could he be suffering from a little SA again due to your new addition to the family do you think?
Yes, this is what I'm afraid of

I'm already spreading myself thin trying to keep a balance between the boys and with a touchy/textbook toddler I can definitely see the SA coming back. I just don't know how I'm going to deal with both boys at bt. Both of them only seem to want me to do their wind down. Neither like Daddy doing it... On good days I can get Ds2 to bed and then start on Ds1, but since Ds2 is still so little, it can be tricky to settle him esp. since they get OT so easily at this age. There have been days I have a screaming OT Ds2 to get to bed at the same time as Ds1. Makes my head spin.
We want to try and have DH do more of Ds1's bt - which he is ok with as long as I'm NOWHERE to be found. He can't hear me in the background or see me... or else he meltsdown. But then I wonder about the SA and am afraid I will make it worse if he's so used to only having Mommy put him to bed.
It could be teeth. I keep looking for molars.. there have been white bumps there for a few months. I understand molars can take a long while to cut through, so who knows?
Either way, I'm feeling really stuck ATM.