Both of my children are a bit like this - and especially DS. I remember when he was teething molars there was NOTHING I could do if I was in the room with him, he would just get worse and worse and worse. But if I left him then would be asleep within 5 mins. And he was that way from about 9 mths or so - in terms of being totally AP proof and only prepared to sleep if he was alone in his bed.
What you describe - for one of mine - would be crying because they has been disturbed but actually wanted to be left alone to sleep.
So for DS what I ended up doing was going to him, making sure he was truly awake
, and if he was giving him meds and a cuddle for 10 mins, then putting him back and letting him self settle. If he stood I would go back in, if he was lay down he would usually be OK and it was all mantra. Stop/ start crying was best left as well.
DD is a bit different, but sometimes she settles best if I sit in a dark corner speaking to reassure her, but she still only wants me in there if it is an 'I want you' cry.
What I am trying to say is don't be afraid to follow something if your mama instinct tells you that is the best way. If it is teething I would offer comfort and meds, but if it rejected in favour of them doing it themselves I think that is OK as well.
Neither of my kids have been quiet sleepers either - they often cry out and fuss in the night - I think it stems from reflux behaviour. We only go to them if they need us, rather than because they are unsettled iyswim?
It's tough to describe as it is a tough destinction, but uncertainly think we can disturb self settling at
this age, just as much as when they were babies.