Author Topic: Refusing formula / milk from cup  (Read 1022 times)

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Offline belliesmum

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Refusing formula / milk from cup
« on: July 09, 2011, 07:12:55 am »
My LO is 11 months, and has been happily drinking water, smoothies, camomile tea (she seems to like it!) from a sippy cup or normal cup. She has been doing this from 6 months, and drinks very well. She still has morning and bedtime bottle. We want to change the morning bottle to a cup, but she is either refusing to drink, or only having 2 or 3 oz. She has never really got on with the spouted cups - I tried for a while, but as she was drinking so well out of the open cup, I didn't push it. We have also tried the soft spouts that will go on the bottle, but she refuses those too.

Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem. I guess it is just a case of her getting used to it, but she will be off to nursery in a couple of weeks, and we really can't afford for her to be taking 1h on and off to attempt to drink her morning formula.

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Re: Refusing formula / milk from cup
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2011, 07:56:49 am »
A lot of babies take a while to drink milk out of anything other than a bottle, that's quite normal! All you can do really is keep practising and she will get the hang of it and drink more.

How much is she getting in her bottles at the moment? Remember they need a minimum of 20oz a day until they get to 1 and then 14-16oz a day. Their dairy intake can include the dairy in their food. I would keep the morning bottle for a while until she is better at drinking from a cup so her intake doesn't drop too much, you can give her milk in a cup with meals to practise for example.

We swapped my DD to a cup of milk mid-morning as a snack with toast at about 13 months because she was refusing to eat any breakfast after her bottle. She was really good with a flip top cup so we used that, it took a couple of weeks for her to drink the whole cupfull really. We swapped her bedtime bottle to the cup when she was about 18 months, she accepted it straight away thankfully!


Offline belliesmum

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Re: Refusing formula / milk from cup
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2011, 13:42:06 pm »
Thanks for your reply. She is drinking on average 13-15 oz formula from the bottle, and has milk with cereal and in other meals, cheese, yoghurt etc, so I think she is getting enough. She only has 2 bottles a day. We have done babyled weaning, and she dropped the morning bottle at about 9 months and the afternoon one about 10 months. She eats quite well. I have thought about giving her a little milk as part of her afternoon snack, so I might start that. I guess patience is the key.