Author Topic: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night  (Read 1137 times)

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12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« on: July 04, 2011, 23:06:29 pm »
Our DS has just turned 1 year this saturday. His night sleep was always wonky but past 2 months there were nights were he only woke up once I breastfed him and he would go straight to bed until morning. Past 4 days it's so bad. He wakes up screaming and won't settle i need to go in hold him give him a soother. If I try to put in his bed again then he will scream so I have been holding him 10 minutes then he is sound asleep and put him in his bed.

We were recently on a trip with a 2 hour time zone difference so we are still working on changing his bed time

typical EASY

awake 8:15 am
E cereal yogurt  always refuses breast when he wakes up
A from 8:15 to about 10:45  usually 2.5 to 3 hours max A time for his first A
S 10:45 till 11:30 woke up standing in crib had to pick him up hold him and went back to bed until 12:18
 (1.5 hours nap)

E solids at 12:45
A 12:15 to 4:10
S started to put him down at 3:30 and had to hold him until 4:10 Usually naps 1 hour 15 min, awake at 5:25

E solids 5:45
E solids  palenta with formula to get the milk in him 7:30
A 5:25 to 9:30
S 9:30 breasfeeds before bed then i hold him with the soother until he is asleep

I used keep him awake after he breastfed before bed but after months of poor sleep I went back to eat to sleep and he would sleep the first 5 or 6 hours without waking then eat and go to sleep and maybe wakeup 1 or 2 more times before morning. Past few days he is waking after 2 or 3 hours of going to bed and then its every hour or 2 that is waking standing and screaming in his bed.

Is the 2 to 1 nap thing?
Lack of breastfeeding? He used to breastfeed before his naps but now absolutely refuses to
He has 8 teeth 4 top 4 bottom I don't feel any molars or any other teeth

His naps take 30 -40 min to get him to sleep same with bed time. It's like he isn't tired or maybe so OT?

Please shed some light on this painful situation

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Re: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2011, 03:22:11 am »
I'm not great with routine tweaking, but the first thought that jumped in my head when I read your post was discomfort.  Have you tried pain medication for teething?  Molars and canines are AWFUL (canines were by far the worst for us, but the 1 year molars were definitely a close second) and they can cause pain long before they show any signs of breaking through.  I would try pain meds at bedtime for a couple of days and see if that helps.  If it does, you've found your problem, and if not there's no harm done. xx
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
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Re: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2011, 01:54:25 am »
I agree that it sounds like discomfort might be involved, it could be teeth related.  I think it could also be 2-1 as well.  He is having a short day with lots of day sleep still and sounds UT to me.  I would choose one of those naps to start shortening. 

Here are some helpful links:

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Re: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2011, 02:25:59 am »
I am thinking 2-1 as well. That is based on my 12 mo who is currently being bf'd to sleep and who was APd for the first 10mo of his life before we did a bit of sleep training at 10mo. He would wake hourly  or every 2 hrs. Over the last few weeks we have cut down his day sleep and he does longer stretches at night. I've been living on the 2-1 thread and it seems that frequent NWs are often UT. We are down to about 2hrs day sleep and usually 11 or so at night. After illness and teething I ended up BFing to sleep and on a good night he does what your did - 5ish hrs then a feed then wakes another 1-2 times. My lo stopped sleeping at all in the pm if he had a 1.5 hr am nap. We have capped the nap to 45 minutes and it is helping him take the pm nap.

But there could be teething going on as well so you may want to try meds as well.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline Maly

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Re: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 03:27:54 am »
Thank you for all your responses

I tried to let him only nap 45 min for the second nap as the first is around 1 hour and 20 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes long. But both times he wakes up at the 45 min mark after going to bed which indicates OT.
Tonight I tried to put him to bed for 8 pm after I woke him up from his 45 min nap at 4:37. He was not tired. Took him from 7:45 to 8:30 to settle and breastfeed a little and mostly just suck on the pacifier and finally fall asleep. He started the day at 7:40 am this morning. So I thought to avoid another OT night I better get him in bed around the 12 hour awake time..

I have also been reading about seperation anxiety that seems to peak around the 12 month mark. Any experience with that? I stay at home with him and am not working right now so he gets lots of me time during the day.
Is it night terrors perhaps?  How can you tell ?
I got teh glowing night sky turtle light should I use it or is it for much older kids?

Thanks for the links about the 2 to 1. He doesn't fit all the exact scenerios. Like there is no EW just lots of NW.. He does take his pm nap but it happens too late in the day I think because he then has to be up for at least 3.5 hours or longer to go to sleep.

I have been trying to extend his am awake time. So today we were up to 3 hours 15 min. and we still got a nap of 1 hour and 20 min so I don't think he was OT from stretching him. Tomorrow I will aim for maybe 3 hours and 30 min if he seems to be ok.

Should the awake time be longer or shorter in the am once you get down to the 1 nap?
I just dont think we can get to 6 hours awake time any time soon or ever heheh...

Thanks again for all your help
I will keep you posted how we do over the next few days. But so far we haven't had any major improvements.

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Re: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2011, 18:36:53 pm »
We have that turtle but didn't get it until DS1 was 2yrs, so not sure if it would work now.  But you could try it and see.  I think my LOs would be too distracted at this age.

Night terrors are not likely, but here is a link in case you were wondering:

Which A time will be longer will depend on which one he handles better.  Some LOs prefer a longer morning A time, and some a longer afternoon one. 

In my experience separation anxiety is usually brought on by something else going on - a big change, illness, or teething.  Teething tends to cause really bad SA with a lot of LOs.  So I find it is usually paired with another issue, kwim?
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Offline Maly

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Re: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2011, 04:33:00 am »
Hi Ladies
So today I saw a purple mark on his gums about 2 or 3 teeth after his first 4 on the top. Looks like tooth is coming in. I have tried to give him tylenol but he often will scream and not want to open up and in the dark its often hard to see if I get all teh meds in his mouth or beside it. heheh
But last night we gave him meds twice in the night and he still woke up a few times.
Going to keep trying with the meds and hope that tooth will finally break through
It makes sense the seperation anxiety now with teething.
Teh other question that I have now do I keep up with the 45 min pm nap or go back to the full hour+
Could all those NW be also making him extra tired so that he needs more nap time sleep to catch up?
Already tonight woke up after 1 hour 15 min. weird time since usually its 45 min or 1 hour 30 min..
Please adivise if you think I should be moving to the 2 to 1 nap still or just try to ride out this already 2 week long plus storm of NW as it most likely has teething involved


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Re: 12 month NW every hour to 2 hours at night
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2011, 12:18:33 pm »
It is so hard to know what to do when teeth are involved.  :-/  If it were me I'd keep going with the 2-1 and only take a step back if you really feel he needs it.  There is always more teeth/illness/milestones to muck things up so if you stop every time you get hit, it takes forever, kwim?  That is just me though.  I think mummy instinct usually knows best in these situations, so if you think he needs a bit longer nap in the pm then I would give it to him.  :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012