Hey Nicole
I think Hayden is the same age as my Alex? (his birthday is 18 Sept)
He is textbook but has always been a tricky combination of low sleep needs + loves to nap, which means we have always had to be careful with the amount of day sleep he has in order to prevent 2hr NWs and/ or stupidly EWs.
We 'officially' dropped his nap a few months ago, so he hasn't had a nap in his bed for ages. Since then he sleeps roughly 7pm till 6.30 am every day. But even now, if he is in his buggy or in the car for longer then 15mins any time between 9.30am and 4pm, he WILL nod off, guaranteed. Honestly, he just loves to nap (like his grandad, he can fall asleep anywhere- on 2 memorable occasions in the supermarket trolley, lol)
I laughed at Hayden taking herself for a nap at 9.30am, as that's just what he would do. At nursery 3 days per week I asked them to stop his nap. They have a handful of kids that don't nap so they take them into another room for some quiet time while the others are sleeping. At first he was tired but has always been good at catching up at night and copes well with OT. Last week he was shattered so I said if they thought he was struggling he could have a nap, but not more than 45 mins. Well guess what? Total bt refusal until 9pm, then up for the day at 5.30am. Sigh.
He can and does cope well day to day with no nap. He will probably fall asleep in the day once or perhaps twice in a week, usually at the weekend when we are out and about. When it does happen, I let him have about 30mins, and that is enough to revive him, whilst not causing bedtime drama.
It definitely got easier once I stopped him sleeping in his bed. They say that sleeping on the go is less restful and restorative, and certainly if he naps in his bed he is impossible to wake, and a total bear for the rest of the day, I guess he just goes into too deep a sleep. But a nap on the go is much much easier all round. Is that something you can try? Doing no naps at home but then letting her cat nap when you are out on non- daycare days?
Hugs, I know it is hard xxxxx