As I mentioned above, to handle going without a catnap, LO will need A times of pretty close to 3h. So, I don't think your LO can suddenly make the jump from 2h before bed to 4.5. She would get really OT. If anything, I would suggest slowly increasing her A times, especially since she's fighting her first nap of the day. To do that, you just increase A time by 10-15 minutes every 3 days, until she stops fighting the nap and ISN'T suddenly taking OT naps (30-40 minutes long). She probably is ready for more A time before her catnap, too, since she's fighting it; or it could be happening too late in the day for her (some LOs don't like to nap past a certain time of the day).
I would keep her feeds as they are, since she's able to go at least 4h in between.