Author Topic: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?  (Read 1112 times)

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Offline harmit2

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How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« on: July 19, 2011, 20:57:15 pm »
I'm just starting sleep training my 10 week old for naps. She's a great sleeper through the night but not for naps. She does the 30min awake, cry thing at nap times...!

I was wondering how many times a day does your lo go to their cot?

We get up around 10am ish - lazy i know but i can't resist a morning cuddle in bed with her!
mid morning nap - bouncy chair
lunch time nap - cot
afternoon nap - cot
evening nap - bouncy chair
bed time 10pm ish - cot until about 6ish.

For her first nap i think it's too close to getting up to send her back to bed...? And likewise for the evening nap, it's too close to bedtime for her to go to her cot. Sometimes evening naptime rolls into bedtime with a feed in between...

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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 21:09:21 pm »
DS goes in his cot for all sleeps when we are at home regardless of what time they are at.  He often has afternoons and evening nap in the car on the way to and from some where though, or in the pram, just because we are out a lot (6 months).  Prior to 10 wks all day naps (and the first part of the night sleep) were in a travel cot in the living room as I was determined to keep LO with me until the 6 month mark for SIDS precautions, he had different ideas though and at about 10 or 12 wks ish demanded to be put in his cot upstairs instead :)

Offline harmit2

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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2011, 21:20:07 pm »
Thanks. Do you think it matters if she's not in her cot for all her naps, or can I work on getting a couple right at a time before introducing the cot for another one?


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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2011, 21:22:10 pm »
I think at such a young age 1/2 naps in the cot is fine.  And you can increase as you get into a better routine. 

How long is her A time?  30 minute naps can be OT. 

Offline harmit2

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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 20:18:11 pm »
Hi Shiv52

She has approx 1.5hr A time at the mo but she's really tired at this. Tonight for example she was awake for 1.5hr and upset as i'd been out and she'd been with dad (who misses her cues), and it took me another 10mins to get her to sleep - in bouncy chair. She went to sleep at 8.45pm and is still asleep now 9.20pm.....

For her afternoon nap today she did a 1.5hr in her cot with a 30min wind down also in her cot - i was very happy with this, it seems she's getting longer with every nap. She is an Angel baby so i'm over pleased that she is easy to train. But i'm expecting blips along the way. I'm trying to not get too hun up on rigid routines :)

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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 20:56:08 pm »
Here is a link:

I think your A time is a little long.  At 10 weeks 1.15/1.20 is probably enough especially if you are saying she is really tired at the 1.5 mark and probably why it took her so long to settle.  And at this age 5-10 minutes can make such a difference to settling for naps and how long they are.

Excellent afternoon nap!! 

Offline harmit2

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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2011, 21:13:00 pm »
Thanks for the link. I don't clock watch her to be honest so i always roughly guess from her feed time etc...I didn't realise how 5mins could make so much difference. I'll start to pay more attention and see if she's better at going down.

She's still napping now x

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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2011, 21:15:36 pm »
Its just at this age they can get OT so easily but sounds like you have an angel on your hands so hopefully you won't need to worry too much x

Offline harmit2

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Re: How many times a day does lo spend in the cot?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2011, 22:16:19 pm »
oh yes i did the quiz in the book at 6wks and found she was an Angel lucky am I! I do wonder when she will change though lol

Thanks for your help x