Hey all! Thanks for taking the time to read this and perhaps give me some insight. I am a FTM and I am not sure what to do. I have to partially wean my LO. He is 10 months old. I am going to school full-time starting in about 3 weeks. My DH will be taking the last 6 weeks of parental leave before my little guy goes off to daycare (YIKES!). So, obviously I won't be there to feed him throughout the day and I don't want to get into pumping (even though I know it is better for him). I just can't add one more thing to do on my plate. I am wanting to make it to a year or more with BFing. My goal is to have him BF twice a day (morning and before bed). Right now he only BFs three times a day. I have tried everything I can think of to try to get him to take the fourth feed (the one right before bed). He nurses fine in the morning and after each of his naps. He just refuses to take it before bed. So, my questions are this:
1) Do I go to formula for two months and then switch to whole milk or just do whole milk right away (even though they say to wait until they are a year old)?
2) Is it too late to try to get him to take a bottle? He has only had a bottle a few times before and it went OK. But, I don't want him to get used to something (bottle) and then have to something else (cup).
3) Any suggestions on how to get him to take a before bed feeding if he hasn't for the past two months (or, is it even worth it)?
Thanks again!