So DS (17 months) is in a mess sleep wise. We went on holiday, he got two eye teeth and has been going through some big language developments. This means that our old routine of 6:30 wake, 12-2 nap and 7:30 bed is OUT the window.
He has been waking up at 5 or 5:30, sometimes I can nurse him back to sleep (APOP) and has been wanting LONGER A times but now I think it is due to OT and not an actual need.
So the past few days have looked like this: wake 5 (nurse back to sleep), wake for good at 6, nap 11:30-2, bed 8...then NWs last night at 10, 12, 3, 4:30, 5:20 (nurse back to sleep), and wake for good at 7.
With all those NWs I am SURE he is OT.... But how do I remedy this? I have tried earlier BTs but he STICKS to 6hrs of A time no matter his nap length. He will just lie there and want me to rub his back for like AN HOUR or more until he hits that 6hrs and off to sleep he goes!! It is so very frustrating.
What would you do??? Earlier nap? Later nap? (keep in mind he was up at 7 today with a right night) Earlier BT?
Yikes, we are in such a mess!!