I have a couple of questions so hope it is ok to post them all in the one thread!
1) What do you do about LO taking off massive bites of finger food that they then can't deal with? This has happened a few times in the last few days with foods that C usually eats/munches/chews on just fine (cucumber, baby corn). She has taken too big a bite and then just sits with the food in her mouth for aaaaaages, periodically trying to do something with it but not getting far. She has no teeth yet.
When I try to get into her mouth she freaks out and screams, clamps shut and it is really difficult. I have tried all sorts to encourage her to open her mouth. Today, the offending piece of baby corn eventually came out but after 10 minutes of us just sitting there. I really don't want to get into battles with her over it.
2) Is there any guidelines on the amounts of solid food I would expect DD to be eating at 8.5 mos? She just doesn't really seem bothered by it and I keep reading on here of babies taking 2-4ozs of food at a meal time and often I am lucky to get a few baby spoons into her. I have to admit she prefers fingers foods or whatever I am eating so we usually do a mix of the two. She is such a monkey and will eat my food happily off a fork. She had a tantrum for my curry and rice tonight and refused to eat the courgette souper I made for her!
I should add that I always give her solids 1 hr after BFs but I am just worrying about things like getting iron into her diet (especially as my iron levels are low and I am taking supplements).