Author Topic: 21 mo just plays in her room instead of napping in BG bed  (Read 829 times)

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Offline irisheyes

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21 mo just plays in her room instead of napping in BG bed
« on: August 06, 2011, 19:19:42 pm »
I have been stalking these boards for awhile now and used them a LOT when DD was very little.  She was and is a very stimulated girl.  Just recently we moved her into a big girl bed because she got out once and fell and has since tried to do it again.  She goes to bed well at night, but during her nap time she just plays and does not stay in her bed.  I am SO FRUSTRATED!  She reads books, pulls out diapers, clothes, etc.  She never comes out of her room, she is content to play in there.  The problem is that if she doesn't have a nap then she is SO  GROUCHY later on, so I think she still needs the nap.  Also, a couple of times when I can SEE how tired she is, I took her in my lap on the chair in her room and sat with her and within a MINUTE she fell asleep.  I don't want to get into the habit of sitting with her every day for nap time, especially since it could create problems if we go somewhere to stay that doesn't have a rocking chair.  I have no idea what to do.  Help!!

Offline Roseii

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Re: 21 mo just plays in her room instead of napping in BG bed
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 21:57:37 pm »
Hello :)
Could you post your routine-i.e when she wakes/sleeps? She could be UT hence the stalling and playing...

Could you potentially sit in her room/by her door and encourage her to get back into bed?

Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race