Any particular reason why you started solids when you did?
Most babies do better when solids are started at around 6mo, and that is what is generally recommended.
If baby is gaining weight as expected and producing plenty of wet / dirty nappies and is satisfied after feeds, then you really don't need to give solids just yet. Their digestive systems are still maturing and your LO may be telling you by pushing solids away and throwing up that he's just not ready yet!
It's also worth checking if he has any allergic / intolerance reactions to any foods (rash, mucus / blood in nappy, vomiting, constant stuffy nose, eczema or reflux flare-up) by introducing them one at a time for three days before trying another new food. Don't give mixtures or you won't know what the culprit was if he has a bad reaction!
Babies need mainly milk (BF or formula) as their main food until 1 year old, and under 9mo milk should be given in preference to solids. You have plenty of time to introduce solids
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