Thanks for the response!
That EASY schedule looks great, but I would prefer him to be in bed earlier, and with that said, I go back to work hopefully in a week, so his WU time will be more like 7 or 7:30, making his bedtime closer to 8 or 8:30, so that should work. Especially with his naps being more like 1-3 or even 12:30-2:30. Otherwise, I don't know how to get his BT any earlier.
We aren't really timing his crying necessarily, more like going off his cries. If he is just fussing, or whimpering a bit, we wait a while longer until it reaches a more intense cry. He has also typically more of a tension building crier. But he's not a big crier in general, so to me his cries sound pretty desperate. But if he needs me, I can't figure out what he needs besides just being held, which is okay, but I can't hold him all night. My gut says he just wants someone in there, and I am not sure how to handle it.
We thought it might be an OT thing, so here is today's schedule
WU 7:45
Nap 12-1:30, then fussed on and off every 20-30 minutes until 2:30 (according to his daycare, and I trust that she goes off his cries, so I think he was dozing in between fussing the last hour)
BT 7:30, woke at 8, is still awake at 10:30. We have been doing the walk-in walk-out type soothing, but he is not showing any signs of going to sleep.
It's possible he is still OT, I guess. And he started coughing this morning and has a runny nose, so he might not feel good. How am I suppose to know, though?? I know you guys cant give me a definite answer, but I am so lost right now. Both my husband and I are at our wits end, since not only are we dealing with 2 hrs of crying and fighting with our son every night, but this is usually our time together so we aren't getting any time together now either. I feel so helpless.