Author Topic: 24 weeks..ready for solids and what method?  (Read 4340 times)

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Re: 24 weeks..ready for solids and what method?
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2011, 08:20:25 am »
Hi Fiona :)
I would say he probably isn't ready quite yet....I do know that a lot of people in Ireland start their children very very early on solids. I waited and didn't really introduce the solids till the children we 6+ months (much to the dismay of my il's) I have read that the reason that there are so many people in Ireland with stomach problems is as a result of them being given solids before the lining of their stomach was properly formed. I don't know how true this is, but I do know that my dh and his family all had solids from about 6weeks, solids being Irish stew, and most of them suffer from some sort of stomach ailment!