So my 6 month old for the past 2 months...yes 8 weeks has been waking me up every hour on the hour on the dot and refusing to go back to sleep unless I hold him. Spent many nights sleeping on the couch and had just about had enough. I must admit I tried absolutely everything.. CIO...shhh pat.. pick up put name it I tried it. This baby just wouldnt budge. So... yesterday while trying to figure out how to swaddle my baby even tighter on you tube i came across a lady who believes babies dont like sleeping on their back. Well I am absolutely not saying that you should not sleep your baby on its back ...but after talking to tressilian they advised that since my baby was mobile and rolling and getting out of the swaddle it was unsafe so I should stop the swaddle all togethor.
I tried this last night. I couldnt get him to fall asleep without the swaddle. So I waited till he was asleep in my arms and slowly unwrapped his arms and kept the bottom half of his body wrapped. I put him on his side in the cot (we also have a heart monitor which i feel is a must) and for the first time in 2 months he slept 5 hours without a sound. He woke at 1am for some milk and then again at 4. That is two night wakings instead of the usuall 7 to 8... I am amazed! The only other thing I did was give him solids half hour before bed.
Hope it lasts but its looking good.