Author Topic: Trying to fix NW and EW of 5mo getting really weird EASY  (Read 1062 times)

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Offline Lyna

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Trying to fix NW and EW of 5mo getting really weird EASY
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:32:39 am »

I have received lots of help from the forum reading from posts from others and a few of my own. I am sorry if this is a bit long. Recently my DD enetered a period of doing a lot of NW and EW. I blame it on a period in which I did a bit of APOP out of exhaustion and BF to sleep whenever she had a NW. EW was also an issue and in the past few days I have been trying to fix it.

Two days ago she woke up at 11.30; I BF her to sleep as this one was alright. We stopped the DF because she was waking up anyway during the DF so we thought we would just let her sleep and wake when she was hungry. She ate well and was rather easy to settle. She woke up again at 1.30 and DH took like 30 min to settle her with Pat/SHH and a bit of PU/PD, she was up again at 2.30 but it sounded like a mantra cry. It went on for five minutes so we let her and she settled herself. She was up again at 5.00. Her BT is 7.30 so she had not even completed the 10 hour mark so I took it as a NW. It took me like 45 minutes to settle her and then she slept until 8.45. Is there anything like a Late Wake? May I introduce a new acronym?  :) (LW). Maybe she thought this was her first morning nap?

Anyway, I thought that was good because eventhough she had been having roughly 12-hour nights, lately they seemed more like 11-hour nights so having a late start was finally going to allow me to have a BT routine at around 8 that would give her a waking time around 7. The day went well with two naps longer than an hour then a catnap, routine and bedtime at 8.30. Her NW are definitely improving. She woke up at 10.30 (we knew she was not hungry so we settled her in 15 minutes). She woke up for her "DF" at 1.20. Ate well and was easily settled. At 3.30 she was up again. It sounded like the mantra cry but the it escalated. DH went to settle an almost hysterical little girl. It took him 30 minutes. She woke up again at 5.30 and I figured it had been four hours since the DF so I BF her but could not settle her quickly. She seemed very hungry. I normally use only one breast at night to ensure that I have a full one to start the day. She kept on being fussy so I changed the diaper. Still not settling so I BF again with the full breast. I had to use it and she ate a lot to be the second breast. She finally settled at around 6.45. It is 9.20 am and she is still sleeping!!! This is definetly LW and I fear I have scrambled her night day. I need your help to help me figure out what to do today. Her EASY of the last two days looked like this:

E: 7
A: 1:30
S: 9 (until 10.40 so added 20 min of A)
E: 11
A: 11:30
S: 12:45 (until 2:20 so added 40 min of A)
E: 3
A: 3.30
S: 5 (cat nap of half an hour which I could not extend)
E: 6
A: Massage , stories
CF: 7 and BT
Awake DF: 11.30

Yesterday it was like this:

E: 8:45
A: 9.15
S: 10.45 (slept until 12 so added 30 min of A)
E: 12:30
A: 1
S: 1.50 (until 4:15 I know this one was abit long but I was trying to compensate for the other one being a bit short)
E: 4:30
A: 5
S: 6.15 (45 min cat nap)
E: 7
A: Massage, stories
CF: 8
BT: 8.30
DF: awake at 1.20

I DID want to tackle thw EW but this is way too late now! What should I do? Very weird EAS...not so easy  ???

Thanks in advance for your support.

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Re: Trying to fix NW and EW of 5mo getting really weird EASY
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 21:17:30 pm »
bumping up the list for you
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o

Offline Lyna

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Re: Trying to fix NW and EW of 5mo getting really weird EASY
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2011, 17:57:36 pm »

Sorry about the late reply. We traveled and out problems seem to be others now. I just posted in the getting back on track board. However she is 5 months old. Her naps are now a mess after a long intercontinental travel with not jet lag (south Africa to europe).

Is it ok if she is getting her nap time sleep in 5 naps which are 45 minutes long each? Rather than two long ones and a cat nap? I just posted my easy at the getting back on track board.

Offline Claudiamummy

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Re: Trying to fix NW and EW of 5mo getting really weird EASY
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 20:04:18 pm »
Hi there, lots of us have shorter naps... Its not ideal, but other than shhhpat and tryong to extend, not much more to be done...They should grow "into" longer sleeps... Is your LO ok on them ? If so then just watch out for ot

Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
Born April 10th 2011...thank you to Dh for such an amazing gift after only 1 year of marriage!