Author Topic: Constant early waking for 21month old  (Read 1099 times)

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Offline Jodieplus2

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Constant early waking for 21month old
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:47:19 am »
I wonder if anyone can help. My lo has always been an early waker (6-6.30am), but for the past couple of weeks it has been anywhere from 4.50, bumost days around 5.30am. Then for the whole morning he is pretty grotty and tired.
His day goes as follows:
Wake 5.30am ish
Lunch at about 11.15
Nap about 11.45-12pm
Wake any time from 2pm really, I always wake him by 2.30pm if he is not up by then.
Bed- 6.45-7pm, normally asleep by 7.30pm at the latest if he has a little chat in bed.

Can anyone recommend any tweeks that can be made to help get rid of this early waking?
Many thanks!

Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: Constant early waking for 21month old
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 12:29:53 pm »
My 21 month old has just been through exactly this, almost to the minute in terms of WU, nap and BT.  We were getting lots of battles at naptime and bedtime too.  

For us, I think she was UT as we found that the next step was that she started reducing her nap length as well.  Previously I'd been reacting by putting her to bed later after a long nap and earlier after a short nap but one day (after lots of help and reading on this site) we tried a later bedtime even on a 45 minute nap.  We also pushed her nap back to 12.30 and then 1pm.  There was no change on the first day, but we've been doing it for a few days now and this morning she slept til 6.30am with an 11 hr night!  :)   Naps are still a bit of a problem though....

Having said all that, I know EWs can be due to being OT as well.  Apart from grotty mornings, does your LO seem particularly tired during the afternoon and at night?  It sounds like he could  be using his nap to catch up on the lack of night sleep.  Have you tried resettling in the morning?  We bought a Gro Clock and I found that by using WIWO she would go back to sleep for half an hour or 45 minutes if she was still tired.  If she wouldn't settle then I realised it was cos she'd just had enough sleep and eventually I could tell from the way she woke up whether to bother trying to resettle or not.

Our LO started cutting naps as well eventually so that's how we started.  Have you tried waking your LO earlier from his nap?  I would cut to an hour and a half initially, then maybe an hour if after a few days it's not helping, and keep bedtime to around 7ish for now.  We're now on:

WU @ 6ish (variable - started at 5.30 am, gradually moving back to 6.30am)
Nap @ 1pm for 45 mins
BT @ 7.30 (and straight to sleep!  Yay!)

The other approach I've seen on here is to allow a long, late nap and then do a super late night in the hope it shifts the next day later as well, but we couldn't try this in the end as Lily started cutting her naps herself!  

« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 12:31:28 pm by lovelylily »

Offline sianie

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Re: Constant early waking for 21month old
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 12:39:47 pm »
Is he teething at all? 2nd yr molars can cause sleep issues at around this age.

Getting a Gro-clock is a good suggestion too, it really helped my DD understand time to go to sleep/wake-up.

Offline Roseii

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Re: Constant early waking for 21month old
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2011, 12:40:06 pm »
Just to add I agree with trying cutting the nap, if your LO is getting approx 2-2.5 hours in the day, that's a fair bit, you may want to try capping it in 15 min increments as hopefully that wouldn't make him too tired before his normal bedtime.
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Re: Constant early waking for 21month old
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 18:25:33 pm »
Thanks Ladies- will definitely try cutting down on the nap then- tomorrow I will do 12pm nap, and wake no later than 2pm, see how that works for a few days and go from there. I know he definitely needs his 7pm bed time as he normally goes straight to sleep or within 5-10mins.
Lovelylilly- well done on the 6.30am wake- fingers crossed this will continue for you.
Yes, it is possibly teeth too- have considered this and was wishing that maybe it's just a phase that will pass with the teeth, but seems to be going on and on now!
Not sure a Gro-clock would work with my LO (I know they are great for some people), but he's such a spirited determined little monkey, that once he's awake that's it! Sometimes I can give him his teddy and he will go quite again for 20mins, but I'm pretty convinced he's not alseep but just comforting himself.
Thanks, fingers crossed I'll get some results in a few days!

Offline Jodieplus2

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Re: Constant early waking for 21month old
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2011, 05:32:03 am »
Ok, he still woke at 5am this morning, but I gave him his teddy and he actually went straight back to sleep- is still alseep now at 6.30am. Pure coincidence, or brought on by the fact I woke him at 2pm after his nap instead of the usual 2.30pm, I don't know! But I know I'll definitely be waking him from his nap today by 2pm! Hopefully soon we will totally eliminate the 5am wake & he'll sleep right through!
Thanks ladies, will keep you updated on how it goes!

Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: Constant early waking for 21month old
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2011, 07:04:33 am »
That's great!  Hopefully cutting the nap a bit will do the job then!  Keep us posted....

Offline sianie

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Re: Constant early waking for 21month old
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2011, 11:32:26 am »
Good news, stick with it for a few days to see how things go!