Yes, she continues to wake up, however this is what last night was like...
Down at 7pm with 4 oz, DF at 10:30 only 2.5oz, up at 2:30, 3:30, 4:00 and then fed at 6 AM, but back to sleep till 7 where I brough her down for her activitity time before a good nap. So at these wakings she does not cry, she busts out of her swaddle and just talks and makes lots of noises, as if she is up and ready to play. This is how she basically is at all of the wakings but more so at 6AM. She really does not cry, but I feel like i have to reswaddle and give her the paci to settle her down and get her back to sleep.
As for the DF at first it did not work, we stoppped, then started a week later, it was working till 5AM and that lasted about 5 days and then this is how we have been for a few weeks now.
Does this mean anything different?
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and respond, I appreciate it!!