Author Topic: 16 month old started daycare...10-20 min naps !!!  (Read 1399 times)

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Offline babyaaron

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16 month old started daycare...10-20 min naps !!!
« on: September 13, 2011, 19:33:13 pm »
Hi there,

We have a 16 month old little boy who's day usually looks like this:

A - 0630-0730
E - 0730-0800
A - 0800-1000
E - 1000 snack
A - 1015-1130
S - 1200 for 2-3 hrs
E - 1400 or 1500 snack
A - 1400/1500-1730
E - 1730
Bedtime routine starts after dinner at around 1815 ish...bath, jammies, books & music
S - 1900-1930

He started at a lisenced daycare last week. They do not eat lunch until 1200 and by the time the toiletting routine is complete, they are usually asleep for 1300 (late for our LO). The first day he slept for 1hr (not bad for going from sleeping in his own room, in a crib, quiet, dark, to sleeping in the same room as 10 other 18-30 month olds on cots on the floor)! We were thrilled! The last two days he slept for 20 minutes and 10 minutes!!!  Apparently he goes to sleep fine, but is woken by another little one who screams at times...

I am prepared for a transition time, but worried about poor habits forming...any suggestions from anyone out there??

Last night we put him to bed early, he was asleep at 1745, he was fitful all night, waking several times (but did put himself back to sleep!!). Today I was able to leave early, so he is having a nap now (I will wake him by 1530).

Any suggestions would be so appreciated!


Offline babyaaron

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Re: 16 month old started daycare...10-20 min naps !!!
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 19:35:50 pm »
Forgot to add E @ 1130 to his daily routine...we do feed him lunch before nap:)

Offline Roseii

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Re: 16 month old started daycare...10-20 min naps !!!
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 19:39:51 pm »
Hi there

Your poor boy, sounds like he's really trying to sleep but can't! How often will he be in daycare? Every day? And do they have any suggestions as to helping him sleep, could he go down earlier than the others?
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race

Offline babyaaron

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Re: 16 month old started daycare...10-20 min naps !!!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 15:07:13 pm »
Hi Charli,

He will go between 2 and 4 days/week depending upon my husbands schedule. For the time being, we are sending Aaron daily so that he can adjust to the new routine! The daycare providers say that Aaron does not need any assistance falling asleep, he just gets his lovie and blanket and lies down on the cot and goes off to sleep...but he is being awakened by a little one who has difficulty getting to sleep and screams out...once he is awake, apparently he is not able to get back to sleep:(

Offline Sydney

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Re: 16 month old started daycare...10-20 min naps !!!
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 16:05:13 pm »
My two older los have gone to daycare since they were around 4 months old.  My third will be starting within the next couple of months.

I will say that what you are experiencing is normal and it will get better in my experience.  We had the same sort of issues and we would shoot for earlier bedtimes for awhile to help with the OT as well as limited the amount of outings we did on days they are home to ensure they get their naps.  As time goes on, he will adjust to the lunch/nap times and will be able to put himself back to sleep once woken or won't wake at all from the screaming:). 

FWIW, when home, we stuck to our schedule regardless of the schedule at school.  HTHs.