This dd of mine has dropped her nap, although at times you can tell she really needs it. She has always been a 10-11 hour sleeper and generally sleeps through the night. If she ever naps it can't be more than 10 mins or else it messes up her bedtime- trust me many people have asked what's the point of 10 mins but for her she is refreshed and able to carry on. If we try to put her down earlier she ends up just coming out of her room and we walk her back to her bed until it's about 9pm and then miraculously she'll fall asleep. Right now she tends to have a 13.5 hour day, which I know is long without a nap. We have been using a reward chart and that works sometimes, we have threatened to take her stuffies away from her but nothing seems to keep her in her room. Oh and sometimes she opens her door, stares at us while she's in mid song and sings while we walk her back!? So how do I deal with her coming out of her bed? Her day looks like this:
730am- wake up, morning routine (eat, change, etc.)
845am- at daycare
1pm- relax time for about 15 mins
6pm- dinner, 715pm- bath, 745- snack/low key activity, 830- brush teeth/story, in bed hopefully by 9
Any thoughts would be helpful...we are going to try to have her in bed by 830 tomorrow to see what happens...Thanks!