I'm trying to wean my 12m. DD off feeding to sleep on her resettles. I believe this is the reason she is waking up 2 hourly through the night. She got to point where I wasn't only feeding back to sleep, but having both sides and often waking up when being put down. Pantlys pull off method is Useless!!!!
my DD has always been fine going to sleep initially. Take tonight, We did the nighttime routine, patted for a minute or two and left her calm (but a bit restless) to go to sleep by herself. Other nights we pat her to sleep if she is having more trouble, but it takes 15 mins tops and she isnt *too* fussy.
Now, all that changes when she wakes up 3 hours later! Take tonight, determined not to feed her to sleep (as is the issue) I pat/shushed for 2 hours, before giving in and feeding to sleep. 2.5 hours on a night waking. Last night, 1h 20 mins of pat/shush/ putdown(she went to sleep off the boob and didn't wake until 5am- yea!) .
Up 630
Food 7
Down 10
Lunch 12
Down 2:30
Dinner 5
Bedroom 7 for sleep 7:30
Not sure how long naps are.
Do I change methods? It works for initial putdown.